A girl named Anne Frank
27 January 2004

This is a story of a young girl called Anne Frank.She was born in Frankfurt, Germany but she moved with her family to Amsterdam, Netherlands in the 30's.They had to make this decision because in Germany there was a psychopath called Adolf Hitler in power and the Franks happened to be Jews.They were living a normal life in Holland at first.In 1939 Hitler started the second world war and in the early 40's the Nazis made also the lives of Dutch Jews very hard.Anne received a diary for her 13th birthday which became very important to her.In July of 1942 the lives of the Franks changed radically after they had to go hiding.That's because the Nazis wanted their daughter, Margot.The hiding place was at Princengracht 263, in the middle of the town.Later they were joined by other people, as well.All the people of the secret annexe were; Otto Frank (Ben Kingsley), Edith Hollander-Frank (Tatjana Blacher), Anne Frank (Hannah Taylor-Gordon), Margot Frank (Jessica Manley), Hermann van Pels (Joachim Krol), Auguste Rottgen-van Pels (Brenda Blethyn), Peter van Pels (Nicholas Audsley) and Fritz Pfeffer (Jan Niklas).Of course they needed some Christian friends from outside.These good people were; Miep Gies (Lili Taylor), Jan Gies (Rob Das), Victor Kugler (Peter Bolhuis) Johannes Kleiman (Johannes Silberschneider) and Elisabeth 'Bep' Voskuijl (Ela Lehotska).

Those eight hiders were forced to be hiding for over two years.They didn't have any chance to go out.Anne just waited for the time when the war would be over and she could go out in the nature.She really loved the nature.They had all kind of dreams what they would do after the war.Anne wanted to be a writer.And we all know now that she was a very talented writer.But she never had a chance to be what she wanted to be. All those people had was hope.They couldn't do anything but wait and hope.June 6th in 1944 was the day of the D-Day.After that day they got more hope.Finally they had some faith for the future.Maybe the girls and Peter will go back to school on Fall.But that never happened.On August 4th the Gestapo came and took them to the concentration camp.Only Otto Frank came back.This year it will be 60 years since that horrible day.Who was the idiot that told them about the hiding place? Was it the cleaning lady that was said in this film? That we may not ever know for sure.

Anne Frank:The Whole Story (2001) is a movie with a brilliant cast.Ben Kingsley's role work as Otto is really something to remember.This 60-year old actor has done some memorable roles earlier, like in Schindler's List.Tatjana Blacher is very good as Edith.Joachim Król and Brenda Blethyn are terrific as Hermann and Auguste van Pels.Jan Niklas is brilliant as Fritz Pfeffer.Lili Taylor is great as Miep Gies.And so is Rob Das as Jan Gies.Peter Bolhuis is excellent as Victor Kugler.Johannes Silberschneider is superb as Johannes Kleiman.I especially have to give credit to the young actors.Hannah Taylor-Gordon as Anne is just amazing.She's very beautiful and very talented, just like Anne Frank.I really hope success for this 16-year old actress. I can tell the same about Jessica Manley who plays Margot.Nick Audsley does magnificent job as Peter.Anne's friends are played by Victoria Anne Brown as Jacque van Maarsen, Michaela Horakova as Sanne Ledermann and Jade Williams as Hannah Goslar.They're all really great.

This movie is a very realistic portrait of what happened.Sometimes it feels like you're watching the actual events.Like you're going through all those things with Anne.You laugh when Anne laughs, you cry when Anne cries.During that time in hiding Anne found someone she could share her feelings with.That boy was Peter van Pels.In the movie their relationship is portrayed very beautifully.It also has the most beautiful music, kind of music that brings tears to your eyes. This isn't a movie you can watch as entertainment.You can't just take a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the show.These people were real.They had to suffer because they were Jewish and so did millions of others.Nobody should die for the sake of the religion or race they represent.We should all just pray that nothing like that will ever happen again.If only it was just a bad dream. The latter part of the movie is pretty painful to watch.Watching Anne and her sister suffer in the cold camp, it just makes you wonder how cruel people can be.There are parts where you can't do nothing but cry. Tears fill your eyes when Anne is separated from Pim, her father, as she used to call him.All you can ask is why.

Thank God all the people aren't such monsters.Miep Gies is one of those people.She did everything she could to help her Jewish friends.She has a heart of gold and I would like to thank her and give her a big hug for what she did.Next month this amazing woman will turn 95 years.Congratulations Miep! If there were more people like you, this world would be a much better place to live.

This movie is based on Melissa Muller's book Anne Frank:The Biography.It's good if you have read it before seeing the movie.Even more important is that you have read The Diary of a Young Girl.That book makes you understand who Anne Frank really was.I also recommend Miep's book Anne Frank Remembered.

This program wasn't sanctioned by Anne's first cousin Buddy Elias, apparently because they showed Anne and the others in the concentration camp.It wasn't easy to watch that, and maybe they should have left that out.They weren't allowed to use Anne's text from the diary in this program.Steven Spielberg was to be the executive producer, but declined after Anne's relatives asked him not to be involved in this project since it's not based on the authorized account of Frank's life.

This year, on June 12th, Anne would turn 75.She was forced to leave this Earth way too soon.But she will live on in her diary.
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