I am Mister Funktastic
23 April 2003
This movie was not good. It's not like I went in with high expectations or anything but nonetheless it wasn't all that entertaining. I thought at least there would be some cool fight or action scenes, but not really. So what can you get out of this movie? Not much. Poorly spoken english from a Tibetan monk and a terrible trailer for the worst idea for a movie since Battlefield Earth, Shaolin Soccer. It looks awful. So now I'm gonna talk about that ridiculous excuse for entertainment rather than review Bulletproof Monk. They mention something about it being the most spectacular movie since Fantasia. I seriously doubt that due to the fact that this movie looks terrible. It's like Matrix meets Big Green, with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon added into the mix. And why? I don't know. It is dubbed so maybe it was a big flick in Japan or China. But this movie does not look appealing in the least. It just looks so horrendous. But I digress. Bulletproof Monk is worth seeing if you have nothing else to do, but it's not a must see. Ladies, let the guys pay for you. Guys, just walk in and don't pay. Or just get money from your parents. But hey, at least it's not Malibu's Most Wanted.
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