Better Than Expected - Not Bad at All
12 April 2002
This was a pretty decent haunted house movie, quite better than the remakes of both "The Haunting" and "House On Haunted Hill", and it was especially better than the recent TV movie, "Stephen King's Rose Red" (supposedly the "ultimate haunted house movie"). To the folks here that have wrote the highly negative reviews about this film: LIGHTEN UP- every horror flick simply isn't going to be an outright, jump-out-of-your-seat scary, horror masterpiece as "The Exorcist" or "Alien"- in fact, most films aren't going to live up to the standards those movies set. Your expectations seem to be way too high and you're probably expecting this type of movie to be crap, so you set yourself up with that in mind and- guess what, that is your opinion when the movie is over. Nothing ticks me off more than to read these reviews by folks who want to smugly blast a new film just for the sake of being able to do it. Anyway, enough ranting about that. I rented this film and was entertained much more than I anticipated: the ghosts were pretty scary, the special effects really good. I plan to buy the film on DVD to add to my library. I can imagine that, had I saw this on the big screen- in full surround, it would have scared the bejesus out of me! Still not the "ultimate" haunted house movie, but a little bit closer than we've seen in a while. Definitely worth adding to your horror collection. Rating: ***
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