Breaking News (2002)
well done, intelligent
22 September 2002
This is a well done, intelligent show. No wonder they did not air it, in these days of reality garbage. It is about a CNN type, 24 hour news network. It has good writing, is fast paced, and has good performances. Good work from Tim Matheson as the Tom Brokaw type anchor, being able to show more in a role than he usually gets (except on West Wing), Lisa Ann Walters is touching and funny, but best of all is the wonderful, much under utilized in recent years, Patricia Wettig. She is the wife of Matheson in this and a former reporter who has taken time off to deal with her bipolar disorder. In the last few shows, she is starting to rapidly lose control, stopping her medications and all hell appears to be about to break lose. Of course, the show only has 13 episodes and will end soon, so we will probably not get to see what finally happens. She should get another Emmy for her work on this, but most likely won't as quality is hardly recognized anymore. (proof positive is the fact that this show was only aired TWO years after it was made!!)
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