I want my three-penny back!
23 July 2003
I was not looking forward to viewing this film. The over-penetrating ad campaign looked to have prematurely revealed all the movie's good parts, and the director has not exactly made anything worth seeing in recent years, but I was somewhat hesitant to lump this in with the other brainless summer blockbusters I have seen so far this year. My expectations were pretty low, so this film had the perfect opportunity to blow me away. But sadly, I must say my expectations turned out to perfectly suited to this film.

The director should be ashamed of the rampant technical problems, namely overly-zealous editing as well as distracting and unnecessary special effects that made me feel like I was playing a video game rather than viewing a movie. However, you can't really blame the director entirely for this lurching, over-hyped mess of a film. The screenwriter should shoulder the major brunt of the criticism, as he apparently forgot how to write crisp, witty dialogue, or story of any originality for that matter. In fact, I was so unengaged by this film's intelligence insulting, perforated plotline that I felt like taking a nap, and the films un-noteworthy soundtrack would have facilitated that perfectly.

Duncan's performance is perhaps the only redeeming part of this film, but the star power he provides will no doubt give the studio executives the idea to turn this soulless monstrosity into a franchise. I tell you now that I will not be going to see `Duncan Smoking 2' any time soon, as I would much rather have the three-penny I spent on this first one back than waste more of my hard earned cash on another stinker of similarly idiotic proportions.

2/5 stars
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