Not That Good
18 August 2001
Say It isn't so is the worst Farrelly Brothers movie ever, None of the characters put any energy into there roles (except for Orlando Jones), Its a very slow pacing movie (Its an Hour and a Half but it feels like its more than 2 hours long) and lots of the Jokes are more Gross and Mean than Funny. Like instead of laughing when Heather Graham cuts Off Chris Klein's ear you cringe because you see the scissors cut through the flesh. Thats Not funny. or when Chris Klein starts punching a cow and accidently gets his arm stuck up a Cows rear end would have been funnier if Chris Klein's character wasn't so stupid to do such a thing like Punch a Cow in the Butt and you can totally predict that he's going to get his arm stuck in there and it would be funnier if the Cows start running and he gets dragged along, But No the Cows just act like nothing has happened and they just start walking and Chris Klein gets Humiliated by everyone in Town. One of the Only funny jokes in the movie is The ending But I won't give that away... so to sum it all up, this movie is only good for a laugh or two But Not a really good way to spend an Hour and a Half.

Say It isn't so:

*Pros* -Funny Twist Ending -Good performance by Orlando Jones

*Cons* -VERY SLOW PACING -No energy or heart put into it -Jokes start to get really old -some jokes more gross than funny -characters are all stupid and forgettable

I rate it 4.5/10
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