Review of God's Army

God's Army (2000)
Down-to-earth, not sugared and realistic story
2 October 2000
It would be honest to say first that I'm LDS and a returned missionary. I am one of those that has been waiting many years for "God's Army". A movie that does not proselitize, does not explain doctrine or portraits us as "perfect and beautiful". It shows reality, it shows people that have reached their own testimonies, people struggling to understand their faith, and people attracted to find answers in the writings of the anti-mormons. It shows one big true: the real answers must come from inside, rather than people that have or not have the faith. It is inspiring to observe Elder Allen's gradual change into religious maturity, knowing for himself. Very well portraited: no thunder or lightning involved, just the time spent alone with God. The experiences in the mission field are so realistic that anybody who was in a mission could relate to them. Give me 20 or 30 returned missionaries and we can put together all of them and more. The healing miracle... When I saw the film I knew that this could bring controversy, even among LDS people. Then I thought: Why not? Miracles like this happen every day in the world. I've seen it myself. Again, why not? Is was totally justified and possible for somebody that strives for doing the right thing. It is possible, like knowing about the coming of your own death. For all those criticize the lack of some doctrinal answers, I say that this is not the place to look for them. This is a movie about people, not about doctrine. It shows an aspect of the mormon culture, and it is very well done. I wait for more.

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