Demon Cop (1990)
The worst film ever made - without a shadow of doubt
12 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I challenge anyone to show me a worse film than Rocco Karega's absolutely woeful attempt at horror in "Demon Cop." This film is so drenched in mediocrity that I just don't know where to begin. In fact, it's only possible to sit through this attrocity because you spend your 90 or so minutes trying to comprehend how this film ever made it anywhere beyond the poor quality camera is was shot on. A warning to readers. If you are looking forward to seeing this film, do not read on. No doubt your excitement will be completely shattered. I wish I could say that this review has plot spoilers. But seeing as there is no plot, you have nothing to fear.

I just cannot believe that the people involved with this film were serious about the project. Tragically though, it appears that they were. The opening of the film is the best indicator of the plot. It begins with a sort of soliloquy from a man who is involved with an asylum and assures us that he is "not a patient, I'm the doctor." It's a good thing he told us, because the big wooden desk and his white lab coat really weren't enough.

In between asking pointless rhetorical questions of the audience, it is vaguely conveyed that we are about to witness the story of one of his patients. Next we cut to a man running in the darkness, then an ugly head (this is the Demon Cop, in a shot that is re-used a number of times), then a shot of a man peeling something off a dead body before smelling it and making what can only be described as a ridiculous expression. I say that this indicates the plot because, as you can gather, it makes no sense whatsoever.

Perhaps nothing characterises "Demon Cop" more than the disgracefully appalling performances of the actors. There is a woman in a wheelchair whose bland delivery of her many boring lines would put an insomniac to sleep. Then there is the German character "Bloodhound" who spends a good 5 minutes or so dictating into a tape recorder. Not only are these two actors horribly monotonous, but they actually fluff many of their lines. Yes, I'm serious, there are a myriad of muck-ups that were not corrected and remain in the film. However nothing comes close to the insanely ludicrous pair of detectives who are on Demon Cop's case. One guy reminds you of a drunken hunchback as he tries and fails to scale a 2m high fence, whilst the other could not have chosen a more bizarre stance from which to fire his gun.

But despite all these flaws, "Demon Cop" actually does end up being somewhat of a quality film. No, not really, I'm just trying to lighten the mood. There's the Demon Cop costume, which (thanks to some poorly shot close-ups) we can see consists of painted rubber dish gloves for his hands and some painted boots to appear as his feet. What else is just plain stupid about this film? A woman unloads a full clip of an automatic rifle into Demon Cop and it does not affect him. However later when one of the detectives fires a single shot at him, he stumbles backwards holding his shoulder. There is a shot of a thug with a baseball bat hitting demon cop with it, yet he does so with a force that would not trouble a thin layer of rice paper. A woman screams only when Demon Cop is shot at. Seemingly she is quite content to have an ugly demon over her back fence, yet is only upset by gunfire.

The wheelchair woman shoots Demon Cop with a laser gun. How fortunate she was that Rocco Karega decided it was appropriate to incorporate star wars style technology in a film about a small town in America in the 80's. To top it all off, the scripting is far worse than anything I've ever witnessed. Example. In a scene in which the two detectives try to put together the clues they have so far, one detective mentions the German character and gleefully exclaims "Oh yeah, and I found out his name isn't really Bloodhound!" Amazing. Then there is the extended monologue of "Demon Cop," delivered in the ridiculous voice of the character that one can only liken to that of the Cookie Monster. It contains such insightful dialogue as "I'll be elsewhere, not here, not with you, but somewhere." Please.

There are so many more terrible things about this film, but it's just so painful that I can't go on. I'm also running out of synonyms for "terrible." If you do actually sit down to watch it(and believe me, you WILL need to sit down), you will find yourself in tears of laughter as well as tears of anguish. It really is a fine line between pleasure and pain.

If there is one good thing you can take out of this film, it's that now you will certainly have a quick and ready answer when asked "What's the worst film you've ever seen?" Other than that, I want my 90 minutes back.

Oh yeah, and whoever was responsible for actually distributing this attrocity should be arrested.
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