The Longest Journey (1999 Video Game)
13 June 2001
TLJ really raised the bar for the QUALITY of adventure games. This game adds nothing new in terms of gameplay or even cinematics. It's still a point-and-click fest and use-the-weird-object-with-the-other-weird-object-to-make-a-tool-so-you-can-m ove-on extravaganza, but at least you don't have to go pixel-hunting. Spread over 4 discs, TLJ offers twice as much playtime as the standard graphic adventure.

This is a European title, so I don't know what differences in dialogue, etc. were made before the two English audio versions were made, but the American cast seemed above par for computer voice acting. This has been the third best cast I have heard in a game after Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father and The Curse of Monkey Island, two of the greatest games ever made.

The story does taper off towards the end, and sadly, like most games in this genre, the ending feels tacked on. If they had a few less cinematics near the end, they might have been able to improve the ending. However, as it stands, this has been the last good adventure game to come out since Monkey Island 3.
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