Monster Rancher (1999–2001)
4 January 2004
When I had first heard of Monster Rancher, the show, I was really hyped up for it. Being a big fan of the games and all, I thought it'd be the next best thing.

I was wrong.

The show is about a boy named Genki who gets trapped in another world full of monsters and battlers alike. He meets up with Holly, a generic, giraffe-necked companion. Now, Holly was in the video games. Genki wasn't. After a few episodes, it became apparent this show wasn't going the same way as the video games, in which the point is to get a monster, raise it, battle it, get money, and build your farm. In the show, the boy, 'Genki' wandered around aimlessly, doing nothing worth mentioning.

It's obvious this show was Tecmo's idea of cashing in on the Pokécraze, and it didn't work all too well.
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