a so-so movie with a great set but poor script
20 March 2001
I saw this movie last night. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it a 5. The set of the city was awesomely designed and some (not all) of the combat scenes were believable. The script, though, left a lot to be desired. I won't reiterate what other viewers have said but I would like to add two comments on the script. In one scene, Joseph Fiennes says "Whatever " which wasn't even used as a stand alone sentence even ten years ago, much less in WWII. In that same scene, Fiennes or Law one calls the Germans "Krauts." How absurd! Russians never called them that. Nor did any soldiers of Allied nations except the United States. Russians eat sauerkraut and cabbage with equal gusto to the German people. Why then would a Russian call a German a "Kraut?" I'm glad I saw the movie but the special effects were pitiful. I don't know what the hoopla is about computer imagery. The Stuka dive-bombers don't look any more realistic than does Godzilla in Japanese films of the 1960s.
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