Review of Route 666

Route 666 (2001)
Horrible horror.
7 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers

This is clearly one of the worst movies I've ever had the misfortune to watch. A couple of feds are taking a witness to court and travel along a closed down road called "Route 666". Of course there are some mean, ugly zombies here who wants to make asphalt (yes, you heard right, asphalt) out of everyone foolish enough to travel there, because the road is cursed you see, some prisoners were killed here for a long time ago. The hero is, of course, the chosen one who is the only one who can break this evil spell, he's the chosen one since his father were one of the prisoners. Now that's what I call a coincidence. Among thousands of feds, the chosen one just happens to have the mission to transport a witness across this particular road.

Wait, things just get dumber.

His companion gets mad when he finds out that he is a son of a murderer and prisoner so after one of the most tedious and hideously acted monologues ever, he starts a fight with the Jack (the hero).

I almost went to pieces. Why is he so stupid that he starts a fight over something that no-one can help? Jacks special lady, Steph is just watching this outrageously useless and unnecessary fight without a thought of helping Jack out.

Wait, things get even dumber than this.

After the feds have gotten some of they're men slaughtered by the zombies they call the local marshalls to help them out. The marshalls arrive, and what do they do? They're starting to kill off the feds!!!

And that's when it struck me: this is one of the worst movies I've seen. I mean why was this even written? Why did they make a film out of this inane script? Were they actually paid to write this?

You might think that I'm not telling you anything about the good things in this movie only because I'm mean cynic who loves to slog off movies but no. I tell you this because there are almost no good things in it. The actors are painfully useless, the characters are truly worthy of my hate and one-dimensional, and the camera-work... Oh the camerawork. Figure out what it would look like if a drunk man with spastic hands armed with nothing but a handcam was allowed to film a movie. This is like that but actually even worse. It's among the most atrocious things to date. Not even the gore can save this one, since there's very little of it and all the FX sucks, so even gore-hounds will be let down. The only thing that was the least bit redeeming was that at least the black guy survived it. It's almost a rule in movies like these to have coloured, funny sidekick which gets killed in the end of the movie, oddly enough it didn't occur here, which is good. But one right can't make up for the hundreds of errors, a plot with more holes than swiss cheese, laughable dialogue, awful camera work and editing and every other countless mistake which is to be found herein.

If you're still interested in watching it then may I recommend full-frontal lobotomy?

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