Review of Tully

Tully (2000)
kudos to the casting director
1 December 2003
I found the actors were very well chosen in this film. Having three

stoic male characters, it helps that their visages can speak when

their voices do not. The film does a smooth job of peering beneath

that surface of stoicism of each of the three male leads.

While the focus is on the twin Tullys, Senior and Junior...I actually

thought the other son Early was the most interesting, and I wish

there had been more scenes of his interaction with his brother, the

"bad boy who becomes a good man."

While that is a bit trite, the film rarely feels the details along

the way are never hackneyed...and the interaction between the

cast does not feel staged. Just the opposite, the characters are so

compelling that while the plot stirs slowly, I still felt engaged.

If you like Jessica Lange/Sam Shepherd films, I think you'll enjoy

this. I did.

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