Tully (2000)
A masterpiece
11 February 2003
It was the strangest thing...I was looking for movies to see in Gainesville, which usually is a lack there of...and I came across Tully, read the reviews and decided that I should go check it out. Although I never usually base a decision on reviews, I knew too little about this flick to judge it on actors, especially Anson Mount, who was in the horrible, shouldn't have been made "Crossroads." However, Anson Mount was incredible in this role. While the theater should have had tumbleweeds blowing through with the lack of attendance, it is a movie that reminded me why I wanted to be a screenplay writer to begin with. It was beautifully directed, especially the final scene, the actors were truly acting, not worrying about a paycheck, and the script was near perfectly written. I left the movie theater and felt that I got my money's worth. After seeing this movie, I went home and began to write. "Tully" shows how amazing the Sundance Film Festival really is. I can tell you this much, Anson Mount might not always make great choices for roles, but after seeing him in this movie, I can vouch on his behalf that he is a guy that was born to act. It's exciting again to see actors who care about what they are doing, and not for greed purposes. As for the director, Hilary Birmingham, I anxiously await to see her next project. If you want to see a movie that demonstrates how actors should act, writers should write, and directors should direct, I highly advise you to check out Tully. And as you know with most artsy type movies, it won't last long, they'll snag it out of the theaters for movies like: Friday Part 4 or Halloween Part 2.
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