Review of Tully

Tully (2000)
Why are films like this overlooked?
20 April 2002
I watched this film quite by accident. I had never heard of it before. I don't recall it ever being in a theater, and I live in Los Angeles! So, my interest whetted by the capsule description, I watched it last night on the Sundance channel. Suffice it to say that it is a gem, a small masterpiece, nearly flawless. Why was it overlooked? Probably for the obvious reasons; there was nothing in it that would appeal to teenage boys, the audience at which most Hollywood productions are aimed. There are no car chases, no explosions, no graphic sex--just a very moving story about ordinary people trying to survive on a farm. If I had to find fault, I would just mention two minor points. The pacing is slow, but it is well worth sticking with. And, I never did get the title. What exactly was the truth about Tully? There are some surprising truths revealed all right, but they're not about him! As they told me in Catholic school, I guess I'll just have to let it be a mystery.
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