Very entertaining for what it is
17 May 2003
Don't get me wrong, this is not a great film or anything like that. But I think that it's a surprising lot of fun for what it is, a cheesy TV movie that features good acting and a surprisingly respectable script. Treat Williams plays the same concerned dad as he does in "Everwood," with the difference being that his son in this movie is a murdering sociopath instead of a misunderstood loner. His son is played by Jonathon Jackson, who keen eyes will remember from Chris Nolan's "Insomnia," holding his own against Al Pacino. Clearly, the kid is going places. Frankly, I can't figure out WHAT Linda Hamilton was thinking when she took what is essentially a time-filling bit part, but she is good as always. Also good in her supporting role as Jackson's girlfriend is an actress whose name escapes me now, but she's been on "Dawson's Creek" and was quite enjoyable in her "trying to save the bad guy" role in this flick. The plot of this movie centers around a possible serial killer (Jackson), his worried dad, who suspects him (Williams), and a fire and possible abuse that took place years before, making the kid what he is. The directing and cinematography of "Skeletons" is what kills and corners it as a TV movie instead of a real movie. The cameraman was... uh, well, drunk? That's the only thing I can think of. Also, the movie clearly cost about ten dollars to make. Regardless, if you like Court TV and/or cheesy TV movies, this is right up your alley. I thoroughly enjoyed this fun little movie for what it is. I really do admire the actors for working very well with what they had and keeping the movie decent.
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