More of the Same but OK
19 September 2001
There are times when the cynical part of me gets put aside and I go to a movie to just see what happens. I decided that this time I would enjoy the special effects, the rules dreamed up by the Mummy experts, none of them ancient Egyptians, and just watch. There is really no plot, at least none of any importance. It is a series of events with some loose kind of contrived hierarchy of evil that needs to be addressed. It is pure video game stuff. Still, I watched it, admiring the incredible images put on the screen. The rapidity of motion. The critters that kept coming and coming. I looked at this like I look at a photograph and said, "The people that did this are pretty darned creative." Wouldn't it be nice if there was a bit of suspense and anticipation. We all know that you-know-who is going to meet you-know-who and according to the talk about the sequel, we know who's coming next. Anyway, I'm not going to put it down but I'm also not going to bother to watch it again.
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