Review of Maricela

Maricela (1986 TV Movie)
Cruddy movie that I had to watch in spanish Class
27 September 2003
*May include spoliers*

4/10. Maricela and her mother Eugenia have fled El Salvador for the US with hopes of building a better life. Unable to find work in her profession as a school teacher, Eugenia becomes a live-in housekeeper to the affluent Gannett family. Conflict occurs when Maricela clashes with teenage Stacy Gannett, who resents her presence at home and at school. Can Maricela win Stacy's friendship and still remain true to her own ideals and values?

This movie should have the words cliché writtena all over it. I was forced to watch this film in my Spanish class. It wasn't the best movie I have watched in any class. Our teacher decided to play hooky that day, so we watched this...

I really felt bored during the movie. There was no suspense, nothing really to keep me interested. Most of the people in my class were bored out of their minds and couldn't keep their attention on the T.V. The only other time I've seen this is in my biology class where almost everyone can't pay attention to the teacher.

I was trying to look up this movie on, and I couldn't find it. Now, if you were trying to sell your movie to someone, wouldn't you at least spell the movie more easily?

I swear that I don't remember what the characters names were in this. None of them at all. The only one besides Maricela was Stacy. And geeze, she had a bad hair do. Reminded me of the woman in The Terminator except maybe worse.

All in all, don't spend your money or your life watching this movie. It was really a good waste of an hour of my life.
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