The Man Show (1999–2014)
from a woman...
19 May 2004
There was recently a commercial for this show saying something to the effect of "men enjoy it. women don't admit it, but they enjoy it too."

I find this ten times more insulting than the show ever was, and that's pretty goddamn insulting. Fine, "boys will be boys." Okay, "it's all in fun." Sure, "sarcasm." I'm as anti-PC as anyone, and I certainly don't claim to have a right to make anyone "behave."

But don't expect me to watch it, and don't expect me to pay any attention to it, and for god's sake, don't shove it in my face how completely unnecessary and useless it considers over half the world's population to be. Woman's television (which I think is horrible, by the way) doesn't insist that men like it, and that is the defining difference between this show and hell, a network like Lifetime.

An ad like that just sounds like insecurity to me, and that's the root of the thing--it's just a bunch of little boys trying to prove to themselves that women like being treated like sh*t.

Prove this misogynistic, offensive, terribly unfunny show wrong, ladies. Don't put up with it.
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