Here on Earth (2000)
I wrote better storylines in Kindergarten
7 August 2001
This movie was one of the worst I have ever seen. There were so many problems with both the story and the actors that it's unbelievable that someome actually gave the go-ahead to release it. For starters, the story is lame. It is a movie based entirely on a love triangle with three unlikable characters; consequently, no one cares who ends up with who. This story moves at a snail's pace, at some points almost impossible to watch. The audience is supposed to identify with Samantha, a small town waitress who is bored with her life and her nice-but-not-so-bright boyfriend, Jasper. I can understand that. However, it's impossible to feel sorry for this girl, or understand her actions, because of the way she shamelessly chases after the rich spoiled jerk, Kelly, who looked down on her, her boyfriend, her family, and her town because they were poorer, AND the horrendous way she treats her longtime boyfriend. She runs around with Kelly, making out with him in public, right in front of Jasper's best friend, all without having the decency to tell Jasper she's cheating on him, then callously dumps him, telling him flat out she'd rather be with his enemy, then leaves him to for all she knows commit suicide or beg in the streets or whatever, because if she doesn't hurry, Kelly will leave without her. So Kelly and Sam both prove to be selfish and uncaring of who they hurt. Jasper is the only mildly likeable character, but even he is hard to watch, drooling after undeserving Sam is as bad as Sam drooling over undeserving Kelly. And by the time the climax comes, Sam is so unlikeable you just really don't care what happens to her.

Finally, this weak plot may have worked(not likely, but possibly) if they had chosen some different actors. Leelee is a talented actress- in supporting roles. She has neither the charisma nor talent to carry a movie- especially a weak plot like this one. And Chris Klein (Kelly) does a great job with comedy, but he lacks the talent to make Kelly anything more than a one dimensional shallow rich guy. Josh Hartnett did okay, but wasn't given very much to go on. Jasper also comes across very one dimensional.

The producers/directors/whoever was in charge clearly did not read the script, but was just counting on the casting of 2 popular heartthrobs and the soundtrack by teen idol Jessica Simpson to make this movie a success for the 12-18 female demographic. Let's hope that's what they were shooting for; if they were trying to do anything else they failed miserably.
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