Korine derives beauty from the ugliness of life
28 February 2002
Much like Harmony Korines directional debut, Gummo; Julien Donkey-Boy is told in fragments rather than following a linear plot. He plunges deep into the life and mind of an adolescent schizophrenic with a dramatic series of events. One could pick at the details of this film forever, but thats not really necessary. Julien Donkey-Boy is a work of beauty: a masterpiece in every way. It isn't for closed minded people, for takes a harsh look at human reality, yet something about it seems appealing and nonetheless attractive. Korine's technique is unlike any other, it tackles subjects that are meant to be left alone, and displays them in a twisted sense. This film should not only be looked at as a compelling outlaw amongst films, but a magnificent work of art.
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