strange hybrid
10 April 2001
Movie exudes testosterone at every turn, featuring soldiers from different wars in time who may or may not be immortal vampires. Not your typical Gothic vampire fantasy, although fangs are beared. The only woman included in the movie is a beautiful but vicious killer, so the focus is on wartime combat and militaristic posturing and posing. Dozens of extras are machine gunned down, EACH one dying with a loud post-production shout of pain. The mustached actor playing an evil general is so over-the-top you'd think he stepped out of "Airplane -- the Movie."

There's much to recommend here, too. The guy who plays a WWII grunt looks like he was transported from a 1942 Warner Brothers war movie. Especially effective is lead performance by stoic David Parry as a soldier from the Civil War. Parry remains calmly understated as the leader of the lost platoon, and demonstrates how intelligent acting and good looks can make movies like this endurable, and even entertaining.
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