Sub"feces" 4: Crapstorm(1998) Avoid at all costs!!!!
9 September 1999
I usually don't waste my time commenting on bad movies, but this is quite possibly one of the worst movies ever made. I've heard that the earlier series are much better, so I guess I'll still reluctantly give its predecessors the benefit of the doubt. I don't mean to ruffle any feathers, because I love this genre, but come on? Call a spade, a spade! This movie is bad....real bad!!!

Its sad to know that there are many talented independent film makers out there who can't rub two pennies together to finance a film and stuff like this is in its 4th sequel.

That gives me exactly 4 reasons why this movie is so bad:

1. For starters, this movie almost looks like it was filmed with a cheap video camera.

2. The plot is super weak: Simply, Michelle must hide herself from the evil vampire "Radu" who wants the bloodstone- Wow!!! that is so provocative and original??? I highly suggest that Ted Nicolaou watch "The Cronos" and notice that there is a solid plot and story line there. Notice too that the protagonist has a goal and a counter goal. The plot in Subspecies 4 is so weak and tired it makes my head spin! One gets the impression, he wrote this "on the spot" as they where filming.

3. The cinematography is pathetic. Who did the cinematography in this film? Stevie Wonder or Ray Charles? The lighting tries to be cool almost like modern Film Noir, but fails miserably. The only thing I can honestly say that was visually appealing about this film is the shadow when Radu, the vampire appears, the rest is some of the fakest, un-natural, and obvious lighting in movie history.

4. Horrible acting!! I mean this is God awful acting at its finest!!!! The guy who played the doctor was a terrible actor! How could anybody take him seriously??? I mean really? Furthermore, you would think that a director with more than 15 films under his belt would have caught the fact that the vampire "Radu" sounded ridiculously like Marlon Brando in "The God Father." The first time I heard him speak, I almost died laughing!!!!!! From that point on, every time the vampire opened his mouth, I expected to hear the theme from "The God Father." -Laughs
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