An example of great British filmmaking
15 April 2001
This really is a pretty good film, judging from what I have seen. OK I missed the first 10 or 15 minutes but once I had begun watching it, I just could not turn off the telly and that really means something, because I actually wanted to go to sleep when I turned on that film at 1.20 in the morning. I was kind of tired and I was gonna go to sleep and I thought, hey a British movie, let's check it out first and then go to sleep. I watched it for five minutes and I had to finish it. I could have taped it, but I did not want to. I was prepared to stay up until 2.35 in the morning to watch this film till it ends and I must say I did not regret that decision. It is not a very funny film, for that matter it is simply a good film, I don't know exactly why, but I liked it, it was simple, it was kind of normal it was true life as it is not often shown in movies, yet it was extraordinary. I guess it was a bit about ‘Understanding Jane' but I do not believe that was what the film was all about. It is about relationships, how people can get to the point in their life where they do not know what they feel or why they feel it and maybe that is why I liked that film so much, because I know that feeling. Anyway I'd give it a shot if you want to see a good film without action, brutality, crude or dumb jokes and just see life as it is, through the eyes of another person.

The part I saw gets an 8 out of 10 but because I did not see the whole movie the verdict is:

7 out of 10
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