I really loved this movie...
4 July 2000
It was slow at first, but the second time I saw it, it meant more to me because I knew what was going to happen to the characters. My fiance and son went to see it with me, and they kept asking me if I was ok, because I was crying like a baby. You dont get much character background, but once the boys get out to sea, you feel as you get to know them better. You can tell Billy Tyne truly loved being on the sea. It was his home. George Clooney did a phenominal job portraying this character. The rest of the cast put some great emotions into their parts. Mark Wahlberg, formerly Marky-mark, has grown up into a wonderfully talented actor. You really get the feeling that this was a close knit fishing town, and you feel like you are a part of that town.

Give this movie a shot, you may find you like it, despite what the critics say. They dont usually know dick anyway.. =D
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