I'd like to give this a higher rating.
17 November 2001
The only thing keeping me back from giving this higher than a "5" is the fact that, although the animation is superb, the animators should have spent a little bit more time on the mechanics of the human face (for expressions and speaking) and some of the other human body parts were noticeably off (look at Aki's hair when she's bent over or hunched, it never loses its form.) Had the animators given a bit more of the trifles the extra polish then this movie would have been more believable, and therefore, better.

As it stands, based on video games, the plot is a little lacking, but there are movies with flesh and blood actors that have the same problem. I'm not counting off more for that slight than I would any other movie.

With all that said, this is still a tour de force in computer animation, and it will be a long time before it is matched or beaten in the quality of the human representations that are depicted. I liked this so much, I bought the DVD. 'Nuff said.

But still, nothing more than "average fare," thus the reasoning behind the rating of "5" that I give.

But is "average" bad? No. Not in the least. Average, as I see it, is average amongst all like movies (genre.) This puts it squarely in good company.

Now, had the animators spent the extra week or two on the small things that I didn't like, I would have given this probably a "6," which, although not seemingly so much better, actually is. To me, a "6" is a "superior or above average film, will withstand multiple viewings."

In the end, I wish I could give half-point increments, because then I'd give this closer to a "6" than this is given, but as it is if push comes to shove I always round down.
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