This documentary is more deceased than one of Romero's zombies
14 July 2002
Dull analysis of George Romero's films, a gentleman who apparently went to the Roger Corman School of Film Making. A lot of words were spoken about Mr. Romero and his unusual method of shooting pictures. All this excess verbal diarrhea and the fact remains that Romero is a low budget hack who can't get a big money backer. Since he can't get this backing from the legit studios he lays claim to being a maverick who does things his own way [read: makes 2 bit, turkey movies]. I heard a lot of jabbering about the lackluster film that comes out of mainstream "Hollywood" and a lot of hullabaloo on how much better, more innovative and honest, are the independent film makers. Sometimes this is true, but I have seen a large amount from both camps that are suitable only for ceiling drapery at a frat house party. Running low on funds does not make a producer of film less pretentious nor more valid than a larger outfit.
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