Suddenly (1996 TV Movie)
Amazingly Bad
16 June 2001
I was bored and I thought that watching a mid-afternoon TV movie would be a good time-waster. I was wrong. It was the worst thing I've done all week.

I'm usually very liberal with movies. I tend to see the good side of a movie. If a movie has no plot, I'll probably recognize that the acting was good. The 1996 movie (if you can call it a movie) 'Suddenly' had basically no good side.

Firstly, Kirstie Alley starred in it. This is where alarm bells went off in my head and then I thought, well how bad can it possibly be?

The answer: Amazingly bad. I'm sorry for the 3 people out there who think that Kirstie Alley can act, but in my opinion she should stick stuff like the comedy TV series "Veronica's Closet" (which began a few years after this movie - I guess she got wiser as she got older, huh) etc. She is absolutely awful, as she plays a paraplegic in this movie. Everything she does is a joke and you can see the director cringing and yelling 'cut', the scene finishing, and her getting up off the floor where she is supposed to be acting paralyzed and ordering another cup of coffee. With even mildly decent acting, you shouldn't look at the actors and think that the producer must have been REALLY desperate to cast them.

Anyway, I'm sorry, I am rambling, but for you sake, don't ever watch this movie. I rate it a 2 out of 10, and thats only because it had a couple of good characters. This movie ain't worth seeing, even if your really bored.

By the way, Kirstie Alley has dyed BRIGHT YELLOW hair. I suppose that was all I needed to say!
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