First of all....I liked it.
13 February 2000
First of all....I liked it. "American Beauty" is definitely a unique film. After viewing it, one can definitely say that it is highly unlikely that they have ever seen a film quite like it before. Do I recommend it, well it definitely depends upon your frame of mind at the time you plan on seeing it. There are a few frames of mind in which I think you should see this film...1) if you are in a good mood and not willing to take life too seriously; 2) you're feeling cynical about the American family and are questioning our values and need supporting evidence; or 3) you think your own family is messed up and need a point of comparison. If you are in any of the above three frames. I think you will enjoy this film tremendously. However, if you are going to a movie to escape life's problems and be entertained...I suggest you stay away. Kevin Spacey plays a father going through a psuedo mid-life crisis, quits his job and searches for happiness in his marriage and in daily living. Annette Bening is Spacey's wife, who has passed through her mid-life crisis and has embarked upon life's next stage....only to be brought back to reality by her husband's behavior. Add to this setting, an introverted daughter, gay neighbors, and a militaristic conservative minded neighbor and his rebellious son and you have a typical American neighborhood....and maybe not. Dreamworks produces a film that crosses many boundaries and embraces quite a few taboos without questioning the impact or challenging the results of such behavior. The film simply presents a version of an American family and their neighbors and then lets the audience decide whether or not to accept it. Can the audience relate the characters? You sure can. Can you identify with each and every character?..probably not....but again you don't really know your neighbors or the people down the street do you? Bottom may feel that American Beauty is a very good film, but you will definitely agree that it is not a feel good film.
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