Final Voyage (1999)
Awww Jasper, I don't know about that
28 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
For an introduction I would like to say that this movie is absolutely amazing. How something like such could have ever been created, I don't know. IMDB's rating level of ‘Awful' is based upon these sort of movies. The movie, the acting, the dialogues, the story line, and the special effects – all are pathetic.

Some of this could be regarded as a spoiler...

At one point, Ice T says, `God damn it, I hate incompetence!' at which I spent the next five minutes laughing. Incompetence it is. This is the lowest grade available for incompetence. When everybody else has finished dipping their knives of movie making into the jar of ‘Incompetence Spread', movies like this are created by scraping the stuff off the sides of the jar with a spatula. Perhaps I would go so far as to say that this is more like the build up of spread round the screw top.

When the acting hits its high points, it is no better than pitiful. I spent a lot of the movie expecting Leslie Nielsen to arrive on the scene. He would provide the icing on this sad cake. If the movie had been intentionally written to be funny in his style, it would have been all fine and well. The problem is that it was not written in that way, so it is not fine or well at all. In short, it is boring, dismal and un-entertaining.

These are not exact quotations, but when the guy with the hard hat says, `Awww Jasper, I don't know about that.' And in the scene when another guy says, `Hell, if the engineer blew his nose too hard, the whole thing may break open.' it is obvious that there has been no thought whatsoever put into the script. The repeated use of the expression ‘God damn it' is overused and gets very boring.

When the ship is sinking, it gets an aircraft carrier of the radio, and requests help. Instead, they send a helicopter loaded with heavily armed soldiers in desert type camouflage. When the ‘hairline' crack in the baggage area wall is discovered, one guy says to the other, (this is after they are done shining torches into each other's eyes) `The vault is on the other side, if we can get in there we may be able to fix it.' If the vault is on the other side of that wall, where is the water coming from? Before the bad guys parachute from their plane a high altitude, well above heavy cloud cover, they were very low, not all that high above the ocean surface. Yet the two scenes were meant to be right after each other. After landing in the water, they managed to swim up to the ship and grab the ladders as it is tearing along through the water. When the main guy whose name I have not remembered, kills Ice T, he manages to get shot in the shoulder. He finds the reporter woman, and together they run to escape the sinking ship. They hold hands, specifically, his hand attached to the shot shoulder. Hold on, he is no longer shot; there is no wound, that is strange. A second ago there was a bloody hole in his shirt… At mid way or so, the dumb blonde talks the owner of the ship into getting into the hot tub with her. Why she put herself on display for us, or why she was even in the story, I have no idea. Possibly she was included to keep up with the pattern that all the women featured happened to be in possession of certain pleasant attributes. Bad wraps were not limited to the females. Men copped them as well. The two clowns in the radio room were so enthralled by Max's chest that they totally forgot about the plane that was flying low towards them. Ahhh, but the guard guy wasn't so easily fooled, nope, uh-uh, he realised that is was quite suspicious for one to forget their mother's phone number. For a cruise that was supposed to be so special, why is it that there are so few people on the ship? Come to think of it, where is the staff? Why is there $130 million in the safe if there are only a couple hundred people on board? Hmmm… It was clear that the characters had the benefit of insight into the happenings of other scenes. Ice T knows that the boat is sinking, but how? He also knows that they only have two hours of so left before they go down. At this the captain confirms his belief. Neither of them could have known such details. To top it off, Jasper, down below somewhere, also happens to know of the sinking deadline. Is C4 not a very powerful explosive? The baddies use great blocks of it to blow open things like doors; they even light a fuse for one piece… Regular gunfights take place through the film. Numerous bullets are fired, not hitting targets, ricocheting, but just disappearing into thin air. This stupidity is so over used, and has been boring for years now. Cold-blooded baddies fill kitchen workers with bullets, who jump onto the benches to die, yet offer cigarettes to someone when they ask… Or ask problematic hostages to put the gun down. When Jasper discovers the body down below, he gets a handily placed piece of pipe and makes a planned disarming of a baddie. He gets the gun, and starts backing away, looking like he's about to burst into tears. He fires the gun in a crazed attack, putting three or so bullets into the baddie, then sits down and cries. Later on that body is found with one bullet wound in the left collarbone area. The opening scenes show the full extent of the stupidity exhibited throughout, having an ammunition eating gunfight in a plane. Very few shots actually hit their target.

Anyway, this movie was a total waste of time, and I cannot understand why the creators even bothered. I found it so pathetic that I could not manage to enjoy it. I have only touched on a few points here, there are far too many to mention them all. Very few things line up in this movie.
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