Take out 5 chapters, put some made up rubbish in and you have Peter Jackson's The Two Towers
18 December 2002
This film isn't just missing small parts of the story; it's missing five plus chapters!!!

The Fellowship of the Ring pleased me in that apart from small pieces it stayed, true to the original book. It was, I thought badly directed. I say this because I believe Jackson is at heart a producer. His organizational skills are amazing that at least is evident from the sheer amount of info LOTR holds within its pages. But he has no visual imagination whatsoever. Fellowship and The Two Towers are badly shot and badly edited. To put it in short I think Jackson is a second rate director who only got these films through blind enthusiasm, rather than ethical ability or quality of work.

The two Towers is an insult to everything Tolkien wrote, Peter Jackson for some unexplained reason has gone from following the book of FOTR pretty well to just doing what he wants in TTT. The first half of the film is more or less true to the book and I was enjoying it. Gollum especially, but about half way through just after King Theoden and his people left for Helms deep in anticipation of the attack of Sarumans army, THE STORY WENT OFF THE RAILS LIKE A SPEEDING TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! With Aragorn falling over the cliff after the fight with the Wolf riding Orcs (WHICH WASN'T IN THE BOOK) as if that wasn't laughable enough, then the plot goes off into a dreamland about Aragorn and Aowhen's (sorry if her names wrong:) love affair and the choices they must make for the greater good. Well nice try in giving the story more depth BUT STICK TO THE BOOK!!!!!!

I don't know about any of you but I went to see J.R.R Tolkiens The Lord of The Rings, not Peter Jacksons Lord of the Rings. Ok it's still an adaptation, but FOTR was more or less the same as the book, why ON EARTH insult Tolkein's fans and Tolkien himself by taking one of the greatest works of fiction ever and changing it in any way you want. I think it was an attempt to fool everyone who haven't got the sense to read the books and make more cash on the side.

THERE'RE AT LEAST FIVE CHAPTERS MISSING AT THE END OF THIS FILM. Now the people who I was chatting to today about it said well you cant have it all in the film it would be about 9 hours long. GRRRRRR! I said the annoying thing is if Jackson had left out all the rubbish he made up and put in the parts of the story, which should be there, YOU COULD HAVE FITTED IT ALL IN. I am of course referring to Shelob the great spider, which bites Frodo and then Sam takes on the Ring himself and the bookends on a cliff-hanger. He's chucked that out and put it in the next film, The Return of the King, which is already the longest book anyway, without putting huge chunks of story in from the other films.

If you ask me Jackson has quiet literally lost the plot and in some style, instead of creating a realistic and accurate film on Tolkein's book he's done what he wants with it and I'm sorry but I think he should be slapped for even having the nerve!!!!!

The only people who will totally enjoy this film are the ones who haven't read the books AND SADLY THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM.

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