ROTK = MOTS(more of the same)
11 March 2004
The last of the trilogy in the most ambitious movie project made to date, this one tries to wrap up the epic adventure with more of the same - more of the same battle scenes, more of the same emotional linkplays, more of the same good-triumph-evil theme. Still, this one manages to outdo its predecessors by the sheer magnificence of the battle scenes. The mere figments of Tolkien's imagination when he wrote the book has been translated onto visual splendor at last. And it was a sight to behold! It has definitely set the bar for cinematic effect higher by a notch or two.

The problem is the movie comes with a promise to live up to its hype. When a movie gets hyped up so much ( it gets a 9.1 rating and overall #4 in IMBD), it tends to falter in the deliverance. For such an epic, one expects CGI effects and emotional effects to be par excellence. For a movie to truly captivate, it has to be as unpredictable as the shapeshifters that the good enlisted to defeat the evil. But we all know what happens next, or what happen at last. This is the main problem afflicting LOTR. The story is just too silly to carry the emotional weight of a masterpiece.

Rating : 7.6
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