8 July 2002
To me this film seems very much the kind that you either love or hate. For a little while I wasn't entirely sure which side of the line I was going to come down on until I landed firmly in the 'love' camp. Certainly this film is unusual - Lynch doesn't disappoint in presenting a surreal, dreamlike montage lacking any clear plot progression - but it doesn't suffer from the apparently disjointed story-telling. If anything, it benefits from it. Your choice as to how you view the film, I tend to read it as fantasy/dream/illusion first, reality last. The fantasy juxtaposed against the grim reality of Tinseltown. Anyways, much to think and talk about here. That, at the end of the day, is how I ultimately judge a good film. If I leave it provoked, thoughtful and different somehow it has been effective. My vote 8/10 (almost a 9)
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