Harmless Entertainment
1 August 2001
As a huge Terminator fan I always watch out for other films the cast have made. I found out about DRC quite a while back and was desperate to see it. However, a limited cinema release here in the UK meant that I did not get to see it on the big screen. It was not until July 2001 that I saw it for rental on DVD and that's when I decided to get it. At first glance it looked awful - the security guard Elvis, the numerous cliches like a spotty geek student but after a while it grew on me. There are some genuinely funny moments, namely the toilet scene which has only been bettered in American Pie. It also becomes quite sad later on as we see the four boys relationship fall apart due to the fact that they cannot find any Kiss tickets.

Having bought it on DVD two weeks later, I found that I liked it even more. The humour, the acting and the set pieces are all excellent with the ending the only weak spot.

So - if you like rock music then by all means buy this. However, if American Pie or Road Trip is more your sort of thing then I'd only reccomend renting this. Overall I give it 7 out of 10.
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