If you liked Austin Powers before he became a household video rental, you won't find AP2 funny enough.
1 July 1999
Ok. It's funny. But was it worth $7?

Not likely. Austin Powers I one was a play on British spy movies from the 60s-80s (predominately James Bond). It was the parody that made it truly funny, particulary for those who love British culture or spy movies.

The second turns Austin Powers away from a parody and into a cartoon character. I don't blame Myers, since it was unlikely that he was going to be able to make Austin Powers dolls of the first one. The new Austin Powers is more marketable, MTV-able, and catch-phrase-ian.

This doesn't make the Spy Who Shagged Me a failure. Undoubtably it will do what it was created to do: make money. And, I'm sure that the majority of moviegoers will associate more with AP2 than one.

The first movie had the feel of a sliced together, cheaply made, swiftly-edited spy movie. Myer's new creation is too sharp, glossy, and cartoonish.

My advice to those of you who loved Austin Powers before it was groovy to: stay away until the video release.
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