Bond, Dull Bond
26 November 1999
Call me crazy but I wasn't that impressed with this latest installment in the James Bond series. I thought the plot was pedestrian, the action scenes dull, and the 2 Bond women delivered completely inept performances. Well Sophie Marceau was o.k but Denise Richards was really bad. The only thing worth watching when she was on screen was when she was in a tank-top or wet t-shirt. The villain played by Robert Carlyle was underused and one of the only things that managed to save it was John Cleese, for the brief time he was on the screen. I know a lot of people who think this is the best Bond ever but everyone says that about something that is new. If I were you I'd wait for the video because there are so many other good films to see before going to this one. Here's hoping the Bond franchise dies. But this one is making a bundle so tough luck for that hope!
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