Some good one liners but this film does lose it's way.
16 June 2001
Free Enterprise is a mildly funny comedy about two guys who have everyday problems with women and money who live their lives in one big Star Trek metaphore. They are massive Sci Fi fans , especially Star Trek and one day they bump into William Shatner,their all time hero , reading a porn mag in a library. They build up the courage to go and talk to him an find he is not quite what they expect. He has the same problems in life as they do which is hard for them to get to grips with because he IS Captain Kirk. This film has some superb one liners such as "The problem with women is they are always cold" and "I love a guy who's not afraid to have a Space 1999 lunch box" . Having said that ,this film is short on Belly laughs and does get a little tedius. While watching the making off Free enterprise, William Shatner says that he turned the film down because the script was too embarrassing for him to do and after seeing this film i still think he should have turned it down . It does not do him any favours and does make him look a little stupid , especially in the last scene. I have decided to give this a 7 out of ten but it only just gets a 7 because this film does lose it's way big time. 7 out of 10.
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