Review of Prey

Prey (1998)
Another in a long line of TV shows the abandoned by their networks
8 August 2002
This is exactly the kind of show that doesn't belong on network TV. After the Dark Shadows revival, Stephen King's Golden Years and a few other great series that get moved around, then dropped, then practically forgotten, ABC should have known better.

For some reason, these types of shows just work better in syndication. They show them a couple of times a week. The audience usually knows when to find them. And sometimes they are on multiple cable channels.

This show had an attractive cast, an interesting mystery/sci-fi concept, and its story was executed quite well for the most part. Of course it was going to fail on a major network!

Stick to the stupid reality/game show format guys. Nobody wants quality. But if you are going to make another one of these, then for Pete's sake, promote the Hell out of it. Give the production team a three year contract. And have a back-up outlet to sell it to when it bombs in Prime Time. And it will bomb in Prime Time.
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