Review of The Matrix

The Matrix (1999)
Fresh. Good. But not perfect.
16 June 2004
The first time I saw The Matrix, it was in a theater. It was good. After that, countless times on pirate videos and on DVD. Still good. But it has never given me that mystical spark that would make it a five star picture. You know how you really like some movie, but it's just missing that something, that thing you can't define? That's how it is between this movie and me.

The Matrix is no doubt the most inventive movie to hit the screens in a long while and the dark visuals and themes common to the Wachowski brothers are really at home here. It's almost a crime to say what I'm about to say, but I have began to like the sequels even more. There, I have now disgraced myself.

At least in one way this original does beat the sequels, though. There is none of that melodramatic romance between Neo and Trinity that in my opinion was the greatest fall of Reloaded and Revolutions. Plus here the idea is still fresh. Check diz!

**** / *****
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