18 July 1999
This is one of those movies that leaves you with a sick feeling because the story, twisted as it is, is not fiction but rather a true story. I find it hard to rate movies like this, because it is very hard to enjoy them when a person is sitting there wondering how the hell anyone could do such despicable things. It's not the Holocaust or anything, but it's still pretty darned disturbing. How anyone could have treated innocent babies like this is beyond my understanding, especially when the perpetrator of the insidious deeds keeps using God as justification.

Although this movie did leave me disturbed, I thought it was well done as a whole, though it perhaps could have used not to have been crammed into a two-hour TV movie, because there are parts of the story that could have used more elaboration, like Iris' experiences; there are so many people coming and going in the film, but very few of them are followed at all. I give it an 8; it's not Schindler's List, but it is certainly far better than most of the crap that gets made as a TV movie. Worth watching, as long as you're prepared for the subject matter.
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