Middle of the road Middle Earth
21 April 2002
I've watched the fellowship 3 times and I'm sorry to say it really doesn't impress me that much. It's a good film but it lacks the final few brush strokes that could and should have turned the 20th century's greatest piece of fiction by a Much copied (I'm thinking of George Lucas) writer Mr Tolkein.

I'd like to say that I think it was really brave of Peter Jackson to try to make Rings and I feel he did his best but it was not good enough.

It had the distinct feel of a Hollywood no brainer (eg. Legolas firing a arrow about 600 meters across a cavern and low and behold hitting an Orc square in the nose.) Do me a favour Mr Jackson!!! It really does insult ones intelligence and education, which my parents spent their hard earned money one.

It had no feel to it, no style. I like films to have a Recognisable atmosphere, if you've seen the cartoon version of Lord " " " I think you'll agree that it did have a wonderful atmos unlike Jacksons "BIG BUCK UP"

The acting was good from the lead men, the friendship between Frodo and Sam is the Pivotal part of the saga and I was Satisfied with the convincing performances given. The supporting cast was held together by Mckellen and the BRILLIANT Christopher Lee, plus a heart warming performance by the Mr Ian holm. I thought the part of Aragorn was miscast, but you have to have someone with an American accent in these big movies or they get upset.

The way the film was shot left a lot to be desired it should have been more slick with faster cuts and perhaps more believable battle scenes.(Sean Bean when you get shot by 6 arrows you play dead Ok!!! BUT DONT LAND ON YA FRONT IT MIGHT HURT DUCKY!!!)

On the whole it looked very nice but there are more flaws that pro's but if you can't read very well it's the nearest you'll get to Tolkiens vision of England's mythology.
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