Review of Wicked

Wicked (1998)
better than expected, one viewing enough though
22 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
some spoilers ahead

On the one hand, this is ridiculous & juvenile, silly & cheesy to the point where you wonder how the cast didn't burst out laughing (e.g. dinner scene with music and daughter all tarted-up). The script can be clumsy ("Who died and made you boss?... Oh." doesn't work) and move too fast, jerking instead of gradually pulling you into it's messed up world.

On the other hand, it often hits the mark and at moments is very creepy (e.g. where the father realises it's not his wife he's holding - and it's a genuine mistake) - the whole incest/underage daughter-father thing bothers me, as it should, and as it's supposed to. It made it more interesting that the father seems a normal guy (if slightly stupid not to see what's going on), so this is an examination of one girl's mental illness in an otherwise 'normal' world... reminded me a little of Peter Jackson's 'Heavenly Creatures'. (I hope he was normal.. i don't think he was coming onto her was he?).

Stiles is well cast, a few years too old i think but they couldn't have got anyone younger to pull off the emotional side. Her matter-of-fact delivery, similar to '10 Things...' contrasts with the strangeness of her character's actions to actually make it weirder, which i liked. Both sisters, the father and everyone else are above average actors given what they've got. Scenes between Patrick Muldoon and Julia Stiles are great... they're aims are so hopelessly different, you feel sorry for one, then the other. The detective character is pretty ridiculous.. thrillers so often prop up their plot with the all-powerful ever-present detective.. why is he always alone? where are all the other policemen? It helps not to be too logical and picky for this film.

Fairly successful thriller/horror, couple of places really did make me jump (hey, i'm a chicken). I guess like a lot of films in these genres how well it succeeds depends how easily you can overlook "unrealistic" plotting in the 1st half and silly plot twist at end (?!) - a weak beginning and ending, but strong middle, good performances (including Louise Myrback as Lena), some unusual ideas, probably underrated, i'll give it 7/10. Probably not good for repeated viewing though.

Interesting reading the other comments - someone said not to watch this movie with your father - aha! so the movie hit the mark ;) Others disappointed because they don't see any nudity.. that's not really a failing of the film is it. I will fault the sound mix: often had to replay bits and turn it up to catch dialogue, then found it really loud in the music. Maybe just my copy/system/ears.
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