13 December 1999
Okay, it has Keanu Reeves in it. Normally, that alone would be enough for me to slam a movie. But this is about the "beat generation", well just one beat actually, Neal Cassidy. I'm obsessed with this small literary movement so I was definitely interested in seeing this movie. If you have any interest in the inspiration for Jack Keruoac's On the Road, you can probably overlook the Keanu thing. He doesn't play the lead either. If you never heard of Neal Cassidy and hate Keanu Reeves, see this for the two females in it, Gretchen Mol and Claire Forlani who are both excellent. I guess I was surprised at how low a rating this movie got, it's not classic or anything but it's not exactly awful either. It's definitely worth a rental. Anyone ever heard of a movie called The Source?
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