Gattaca (1997)
Terrifying sneak-peek into our future
8 December 1998
"Gattaca" surprised me in many ways than one. To start, it is one of those few Sci-fi masterpieces that don't insult your intelligence or make you suspend all disbelief. It's realistic, smart and sad. Very sad.

I was moved by the exquisite dramatic developments behind the main storyline. Unfortunately we all know that this type of societal determination through genetics is what the future holds for our children. The signs are everywhere. One day this movie will be recognized as way ahead of its time.

But the best of the movie, what moved me like nothing else was the gorgeous soundtrack by British composer Michael Nyman. This score has to be one of the most beautiful and adequate ones I've ever heard in a film. I got a copy of the soundtrack after I saw the movie and I was captivated for weeks. I would like to quote Andrew Niccol when he describes the Nyman' score in the inner notes of the CD:

"Film music is best when it says something that the actors and the picture can not express. When it can convey both hope and sorrow in the same composition, then it is truly remarkable."
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