Fine action-drama.
31 March 2000
I can appreciate the sentiments of those who didn't like this film, but I did, a lot. Seagal looks very sleek and I thought the romance between him and Marge Helgenberger worked. The action wasn't over-the-top, but I thought it fit the plot.

As for the plot, sure, it's predictable. But most Hollywood movies are anyway. At least this one tries to say something constructive. I thought the scene in the church halfway through, where Seagal makes a speech to the congregation, worked very well and was the emotional center of the film. Most Hollywood movies don't touch social issues with a ten-foot pole. I give this one some credit for trying to do so.

All things considered I'd recommend this one. Thankfully it isn't shot in New York or LA. It has its limitations but I think on the whole the film works.
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