Fever Pitch (1997)
Cover does not convey how great this movie is
24 July 2004
The cover of the Feverpitch DVD does not relay to the consumer what a really great movie this is. Whether it is about soccer or football, we can all sort of relate to the characters in this story. To be honest, I got this movie because Colin Firth is in it and after doing some research figured it couldn't hurt to watch it. I had just seen his Hope Springs which I had to turn off, just didn't like the story line and even his gorgeousness could not keep me there. But Feverpitch just had me laughing and I think I actually stopped breathing minutes at a time. It is so hilarious how serious his character, Paul, took "football" and how hard it seemed for his new girlfriend to relate to his seriousness. All you Firth fans out there beware, this movie will only increase your love for this man. And those who are just wondering if it is worth the rent, I'd say no. It is worth the buy!
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