Review of The Deli

The Deli (1997)
Oh it's funny because it's true!
17 August 1999
This is to let you all know that while Quinn says the characters are an offensive representation of some New Yorkers - that's not true! (This comes from an Italian First of all, the movie is funny as all hell. That's because the quirkiness of the characters are quite real. Just take a walk into any OTB parlor, Yankees or Mets game and you're sure to find characters like those portrayed in The Deli. The character of Johnny played by Mike Starr is so incredibly accurate of the degenerate gambler it's scary. The movie does not 'glamorize' characters (like in Goodfellas or Casino) but accentuates the foibles and wacky neurosis of the everyday gambler and "regular Joe."

I highly recommend this movie for anyone with a sense of humor. While it's no Casablanca, it's a very very funny "insiders" representation of those who dwell in the Italian American blue class neighborhoods of New York city. Rent it. Watch it. And laugh! If you don't find it funny, then the jokes simply went over your head. So you'll need to watch it again.
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