One of the Worst Comedies I've Ever Seen
28 August 2002
How do you know when a comedy is bad? First obvious answer is - when you do not laugh. Improved answer - when your only laughs are about the way the movie is made.

'Beautician and the Beast' comes very close to this. The film starts actually from a good idea, kind of a remake of 'The King and I' in a post-Communist European dictature. However what could have been the subject of a good comedy with romantic and political nuances is completely spoiled by the series of not funny gags, previsible plot line, and stereotype characters lacking any comical value. However, the bigger harm is done by the incredibly bad acting. Fran D. is competing for the worst acting that I have ever seen on a big screen. Her acting is beyond the lower level one would expect in TV sitcoms. The rest of the cast are just bad, and look kind of uneasy to have been involved in this film.

I felt robbed of my two hours at the end of the film, and sorry not to have gone to sleep earlier (or chosen a different channel).
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