Golden Gena & Magnificent Marisa; a gem
23 April 2003
UNHOOK THE STARS (1996) ***1/2 Gena Rowlands, Marisa Tomei, Gerard Depardeau, Jake Lloyd, Moira Kelly, David Sherrill, Bridgitte Wilson, David Thornton, Clint Howard. Excellent acting by Rowlands and Tomei as a widower and a troubled neighbor, respectively, who become friends after the latter asks the former to babysit her quiet, yet bright boy (Lloyd in a remarkable debut that eschews cuteness for real depth, no easy task for a five year old; Lloyd later was cast as the young Darth Vader in the Star Wars prequel!). Emotionally satisfying thanks to an even-handed directorial debut by Rowlands' son Nick Cassavettes(the late auteur John's prodigy), who co-wrote the well-written scrip with Helen Cladwell. Guaranteed to have you laughing and crying; dare you not to get a lump in your throat by the film's poignant ending between Lloyd and Rowlands. Nice job by all around! ** Personal note: I relate this film to my own upbringing between my mother and grandmother.
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