Real picture of War, if You wanna see it?
28 April 2002
As a man who was participating this conflict and I can only say that this movie more realistically pictures the war in Bosnia, then any other ever. Every time I watch this movie, it makes my heart beats so strong like I'm there again and revives all the memories forgotten long time ago. The whole story try's to explain this conflict from very essence of our people, covering various aspects of how different people have got involved in this war. Off course I can't really say that 'explanation' really exists, but if it does this is the place to start from. There are some exaggerated moments, but they are so rhythmically composed, that whole picture at the end becomes very strong and logical.

I believe many viewers won't be able to accept this story, but that's their problem, I guess... For those who are openminded, not prejudiced and ready to see the other side of medal (whatever it might be!), this can be a masterclass lesson not only about the war, but about the hidden human nature, that most of people never have a 'chance' to find in themselves, but it undoubtfully exists in each of us!

For people who liked this movie, I can even more recommend other Dragojevic's masterpiece - 'Rane' ('Wounds'), which is not a typical war movie, but from other side of view gives story never spoken so far.
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